************************** File Date/Time Changer Version 1.0 (3/3/95) ************************** This little util allows you to modify the date and time information of files. You can use it for example if you create an application (or even also a tool) and want all files have the same date, like "the big ones". Probably there are also other situations, where it is useful or needed to change the date/time of a file. The installation procedure is as easy as the program itself. Copy the files VBIO.VBX and CTL3D.DLL into your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. You can copy the other files to a location where you want and create an icon in the Program-Manager, if you'd like to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This util needs the VBRUN300.DLL (the run-time library for Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows(TM)). You can receive it (if you aren't already the proud owner of that file) from many FTP-sites, BBS or even Compu$erve. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because this software quite simple to handle, I don't write a help-file. Just switch to the specific drive and directory (like in a File-Open dialog). Select the file(s) you want to change by clicking in the Files-list, or by using the "Select All" and "Unselect All" buttons. Enter the new date and time, and finally click "Change". That's it. I could now apply another disclaimer, but that's boring. I just say, that I take no responsibilities or warranty of any kind for this software. You use it at your own risk. If you'd like to read a longer version, have a look at the also included file VBIO.TXT. It's the description of the VBIO.VBX extension I'm using with this util (if you are a programmer you might be interested in reading that file). My disclaimer should approximately read the same. (BTW: many thanks to the author of the VBIO.VBX for developing such great freeware!) I'm releasing this software also as freeware, so you can use it as long as you want (and also as often as you want) without paying for it. But if you got a free minute, please send me a postcard from your hometown, so I can see how far this tool has spread. I hope you'll find this tool useful. A nice day and enjoy! George P.S.: Sorry for the ugly bitmaps in the directoy selection list, but that's Visual Baisc! Address: George Walz Emmetstr. 14 CH-8303 Bassersdorf Switzerland e-mail: Juerg.Walz@Switzerland.ATTGIS.COM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All mentioned products are copyrighted to their respective owner.